Installing to a local machine

Installing the Charmed Distribution of Kubernetes® (CDK) on a single machine is possible for the purposes of testing and development.

Be aware that the full deployment of CDK has system requirements which may exceed a standard laptop or desktop machine. It is only recommended for a machine with 32GB RAM and 250GB of SSD storage.

Note: If you don’t meet these requirements or want a lightweight way to develop on pure Kubernetes, we recommend microk8s

The main requirement for a local install is a local cloud to run CDK on. This is achieved by using lightweight containers managed by LXD. LXD version 3.0 or better is required for the default installer, and there are some specific profile requirements as detailed below.

If LXD is already installed

The conjure-up installer requires a specific LXD version, profile and storage options which may conflict with any existing version of LXD. To avoid problems, migrate from the deb LXD packaging after installing the snap version:

sudo snap install lxd

This will move all container specific data to the snap version and clean up the unused Debian packages. You should also check out the notes for using LXD with conjure-up.

You can now proceed using the main installer. Follow the install instructions and choose localhost in the CHOOSE A CLOUD step.

Ubuntu Server

1. Install LXD

sudo snap install lxd

2. Run the LXD init script

/snap/bin/lxd init

3. Configure the installer

The init script itself can vary depending on the version of LXD. The important configuration options for the installer are:

  • Networking: Do NOT enable ipv6 networking on the bridge interface
  • Storage Pool: Use the ‘dir’ storage type

You can now proceed using the main installer. Follow the install instructions and choose localhost in the CHOOSE A CLOUD step.

Ubuntu Desktop

1. Install LXD

sudo snap install lxd

2. Create users

In order to access the LXD service your user will need to be apart of the lxd group. Run the following:

sudo usermod -a -G lxd $USER
newgrp lxd

3. Run the LXD init script

/snap/bin/lxd init

4. Configure

The init script itself can vary depending on the version of LXD. The important configuration options for the installer are:

  • Networking: Do NOT enable ipv6 networking on the bridge interface
  • Storage Pool: Use the ‘dir’ storage type

You can now proceed using the main installer. Follow the install instructions and choose localhost in the CHOOSE A CLOUD step.

Other platforms (ArchLinux, Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE )

  1. Install LXD using the instructions for your OS

  2. Install Conjure up using the instructions for your OS

  3. Proceed with the relevant steps from the install instructions and choose localhost in the CHOOSE A CLOUD step.